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A Tribute to Batman

Who is OUR favorite Caped Crusader? We're not telling. We believe that in the final analysis it's really more about the suit than the man. And don't forget the gadgets. And we can't leave out the bad guys. And did we mention the fancy car? It all adds up to 12 hours of diverting comic book fun. We've got it all here in our action-packed Tribute to the Batman motion picture series.

Batman Features

Batman By the Numbers
Putting on the Suit
Batman and the Supermodels
Wayne Manor
Gotham City
The Batmobile
The Henchmen
The Music of Batman

What's New

Warner Bros. had scheduled the third (and final?) movie of the Christopher Nolan/Christopher Bale Batman Trilogy for a 2012 release. But with no final script, no bad guy and no production date we consider this "tentative" to say the least. There are a lot of rumors swirling around out there so let's go straight to the source. In an interview for MTV in June 2010, director Christopher Nolan said that Batman 3 (or would it be 7?) will be his next film and that he and his brother are currently working on a script.

Batman DVD Spotlight

Batman Collection: 4 Film Favorites , - this special DVD set includes the first four Batman movies including Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever and Batman and Robin at an unbeatably low price.

Batman MP3's

AmazonMP3 has Batman movie songs available to purchase and download. Click the arrow below to start browsing:

DH Suggests

Destination Hollywood Suggests these Tributes dedicated to these Batman stars ...

Tribute to Jack Nicholson Tribute to Jack Nicholson

Tribute to Arnold Schwarzenegger Tribute to Arnold Schwarzenegger

Tribute to Arnold Schwarzenegger Tribute to Arnold Schwarzenegger

Tribute to Arnold Schwarzenegger Tribute to Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Batman and Robin

The Joker ( Heath Ledger ):

"And ... here ... we ... go!"

In Batman, The Joker poisons the people of Gotham City. Where does he put the poison?
